I raised $85,000 for an organisations in 7 months. How?
Grant writing!
I bet you didn’t know that was a skill set of DCS, oh but it is!
In the past 7 months that I have worked with an elder care facility, I have been busy raising money through grants.
In fact, lots of money. Over $75,000 to be exact.
Well, grant writing just like any component of fund development takes skill and has a definitive body of knowledge around it.
Can you hire someone who can write, sure! But a fund development professional has the breadth of experience and knowledge that can take effective efforts and make them extraordinary ones.
I start off by conducting a search of all the potential funding sources that exist both privately and corporately using subscriber on-line sources. From there I put together a grants management plan – a road map you might say of the next year ahead.
I know exactly what is due when and what needs to be my priority.
I spend time building relationships in the office and on the board to help match organisational priorities with funding priorities to ensure success. Then I work with your board to see what existing and/or potential relationships that there might be to leverage each funding potential.
It doesn’t end there, reporting is key. And donor-centered, relationship enhancing reporting takes you to another level.
So, yes…you can hire a “copy writer,” “a former newspaper writer,” or any other kind of writer…but why not a fund development professional.
The body of knowledge is powerful of thing.
Don’t waste time and money – instead hire someone who can raise it!