As a consultant, I get asked this question all the time. How do I find new donors for my fundraising efforts?
Well, let me offer a few easy and cost-effective steps that don’t require you to purchase or rent costly donor lists for your fund development program:
1. At every single board meeting and at every staff meeting, provide a regular opportunity and system for identification through including prospect identification as a standing meeting agenda item.
2. Prepare a sheet of paper which is headed: “Since our last meeting, I have met the following individuals or heard about the following corporations and foundations that might be interested in our work.”
3. Hold a series of organisational tours with an emotional hook sharing your case for support. Have board members host these fundraising events and invite their friends to come “take a closer look” with no implied ASK for a gift.
4. Identify natural donor “feeder” systems within your organisation. Do you have friends and family members, community partners, an online store, contests, etc. Develop creative fundraising strategies to convert these “transactions” into sustainable organisation donors.
While I am a consultant, I have gotten here through sharing of ideas, best practices and key learnings. So share yours…
What else can you think of? I wanna hear what you have to say..comment below!
P.S. – My first online e-course will be debuting this fall. It will be titled… “Get off the fundraising treadmill and set up a major gifts program in your small shop!” In-box me for more information!